We expect your visit with Dr. Michael Brown to be a pleasant experience starting as you walk through the door.
You will be greeted by one of our receptionists who will ask you to fill out client and patient information, Our receptionists will obtain information regarding your pet when you call to make the appointment.
Please bring any medications your pet is taking (eye, oral) to the first appointment.
Recent blood tests or pertinent records should be faxed or e-mailed to the hospital where you made the appointment in advance of your visit. Once your information is completed, one of our trained veterinary technicians will bring you into an examination room and obtain a thorough history. Initial diagnostic tests including a Schirmer tear test, applanation tonometry, and vital staining (fluorescein) of the eyes will be completed by our veterinary technicians.
Dr. Brown will then perform a complete eye exam.
The exam will include vision testing, slit lamp examination (biomicroscopy), and indirect ophthalmoscopy. The ophthalmologist will then discuss with you the current ocular condition and make therapeutic and/or further diagnostic recommendations. Other diagnostic techniques that may be performed include gonioscopy, nasolacrimal flushing, harvesting of corneal and conjunctival cells, cytology, aqueocentesis, ocular ultrasound, electroretinography, genetic testing for inherited eye disease, and blood pressure measurement.
When your visit is completed, a technician will provide you with discharge instructions.
These instructions contain a diagnosis, instructions for medical therapy, and a description of the current ocular condition. We will e-mail you and your veterinarian immediately a summary of your visit with Dr. Brown before you leave the parking lot!